Year in Review 2024

Your Students' Union exists to support student success. Here's a summary of everything we achieved in 2024 to support this mission.

Your Students’ Union exists to improve the experience of our members and support student success. 2024 was a busy year as we continued our strategic plan to achieve this mission. A year where…

We welcomed a new officer team to lead the SU. 17% of students cast over 14,000 votes in our leadership election, an increase from 16% in 2023, ensuring what we do is guided by the students we represent.

  • supporting over 1,300 student representatives across all campus locations,
  • raising 3,278 feedback items across 356 dedicated voice meetings,
  • supporting 1,723 students to attend feedback events,
  • and launching a brand new online feedback platform, making feedback easier and more accessible to all students

We didn’t just represent students to the university. We fought to make local housing conditions better, met regularly with local MPs, responded to government and OfS consultations and we continue to fight for students’ rights locally, nationally and internationally.

  • 1,553 students joining a society or student group,
  • 1,104 students joining a sports club,
  • 5 new societies created and 20 adopted
  • 5 student leads recruited to champion underrepresented communities that nearly 6,000 students joined,
  • and we won a National Student Pride Award for SU Campaign of the Year!

  • awarding 3,470 digital badges,
  • holding 11 awards ceremonies with over 100 awards presented to students across all campuses,
  • supporting 81 placements and over 1000 hours of volunteering,
  • and partnering with Phoenix+ to deliver 22 new workshops and experiences for students to develop skills outside of their course, including 293 students learning British Sign Language

  • 4,094 enquiries responded to by the Advice Service,
  • 987 advice cases opened where students were directly supported,
  • over £396,000 worth of financial gains achieved for students, an increase of £164,000 from the previous year,
  • and 387 students facing food hardship supported to access a secure source of food

  • paying over £160,000 to student staff, a 50% increase from 2023
  • having over 90% of staff saying the SU is a good place to work
  • and initiating 14 EDI roadmap activities to foster inclusivity including training sessions, suggestion forums and an accessibility audit of our physical and digital spaces to support our culture of learning and curiosity

  • We opened 3 new catering outlets: LEAF at the Library, Union Streat Café in the Alison Gingell building and Union Streat Kitchen at CU Coventry. These outlets offer ethically sourced, high-quality food and drinks at a lower price point to other outlets on campus, and offer part-time job opportunities for students too
  • We also hosted the 5th instalment of our annual digital conference, bringing together nearly 400 attendees from 35 Students’ Unions to share knowledge and best practice to continually improve our sector and identify areas of collaboration to offer the best experience for students across the UK.


In 2025, we’ll build on these achievements as we continue to create communities, provide support, develop skills, and make students feel at home at the Coventry University group, no matter where abouts they study. We’ll take on more sporting facilities and venues and elect a dedicated Sports Officer to ensure there are opportunities for our members to enjoy physical activity and improve their health and wellbeing.

There will be new opportunities and new challenges, but we’ll face them head on whilst keeping our values of being inclusive, helpful and ethical at the core of everything we do.

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