Coventry University Accounting Society (CUAS) is a student-led society at Coventry University which aims to bridge the gap between academic studies and the professional world.
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
Acoustic Music Society
Our Acoustic Music Society is a space for inspiration, creativity, and sharing with like-minded people when it comes to writing and playing music.
- Category
- Music and Performance
Activism Society
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Adventist Society
- Category
- Faith
Advertising and Marketing
The Advertising and Marketing Society's main objective is to show students that the science of business and marketing can be both educational and fun!
- Category
- Coventry
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Aerospace Society
- Category
African Caribbean Society
- Category
- Cultural and International
The Ahlulbayt Society is focused on providing a safe space for predominantly Muslims who love and wish to follow the philosophical path of the Ahlulbayt, the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Amnesty International Society
Do you want to make a real impact on humanity? Here's your chance.
We aim to lend our voices and make a huge difference in the world by encouraging the fight against the violation of human rights.
- Category
- Coventry
- Dormant
- Dormant
Animation Society
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
Anime and Manga Society
The Anime and Manga society is the place to be for any anime fan. Meet people with similar interests to watch anime, discuss manga, and attend Comic-cons and other events.
- Category
- Special Interest
Applied Computing Society
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
Architecture Society
Providing opportunity, support and innovative sessions through an architectural medium.
- Category
Art Society
- Excellence
- Silver
- Category
Artificial Intelligence Society
Join us to explore all elements and applications of the AI industry!
- Category
Aspire Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Special Interest
Automotive Society
- Category
Believers Loveworld Society
Believers Loveworld is a Christian society dedicated to using faith in everyday life and to spread their messages throughout the university.
- Category
- Faith
Bhangra Society
- Category
- Music and Performance
Biomedical Sciences Society
- Category
Bollywood Society
Bollywood Society is a highly creative and vibrant society celebrating music, dance and movies from Bollywood, in performances and competitions.
- Category
- Music and Performance
Book Club
Book Club Society invites students from all over the university, regardless of the course, to participate in reading a book monthly.
- Category
- Dormant
- Special Interest
- Dormant
- Dormant
British Red Cross Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Special Interest
Burmese Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Catholic Society
- Category
- Faith
Chess Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Special Interest
Christian Union Society
- Category
- Faith
Civil Engineering
The society aims to unite all CAB students (Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Building Students) and to create a community that will help students improve and standout !
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Classical Music
The Classical Music Society welcomes anyone who loves to indulge in classical music to unwind. We offer a space for playing instruments and engaging in social activities to meet like-minded people.
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Communications Society
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
Conservative Society
Conservative Society brings together like-minded students for the discussions on politics, campaigns, events and topical debates.
- Category
- Dormant
- Special Interest
- Dormant
- Dormant
Coventry University Cooking Society is a society which aims to help students enjoy creating and eating food with like minded individuals
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Coventry Bengali Society
Our society sets out to gather people from different backgrounds in order to promote the social and cultural traditions and customs of Bangladesh and its people.
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Coventry Business Club Society
- Category
Coventry Coding Society
This is a gathering place for like-minded individuals to gather and code. We provide a friendly and inviting environment for everyone, regardless of talent level.
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Coventry Design Society
- Category
Coventry Marxist Students Society
The Socialist Students are a community of like-minded students who debate, discuss, and campaign on issues relevant to the community.
We play an active role on campus and also the wider community
- Category
- Dormant
- Special Interest
- Dormant
- Dormant
Coventry Ukrainian Society
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Coventry University Built Environment Society
- Category
Craft Beer Society
- Category
- Special Interest
Crafting Society
- Category
- Special Interest
Creative Writing
A platform for creativity in writing and literature, as well as literary interests and the sharing of work between members for the purposes of gaining constructive criticism or other feedback.
- Category
- Dormant
- Special Interest
Criminology Society
The Criminology Society is an academic society that is open to everyone with any interest in the subject. We aim to develop knowledge through fun activities, such as crime nights and debates.
- Category
Czecho-Slovakian Society
We would love to show other students our culture through our dishes, traditions and have fun. We will hold regular meetings such as board games and movie nights as well as some exciting trips.
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Data Science Society
- Category
DC Inspire Society
Our vision is to raise leaders that will transform society. This is done by bringing our members to a place where they understand their purpose in life, and are taught Bible principles on Discove
- Category
- Faith
Debating Society
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Desi Girls
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Dietetics Society
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
DNMI society (Disability, Neurodivergence & Mental Illness society)
- Category
- Special Interest
- Category
- Coventry
- Cultural and International
East African Society
East African Society. Movie Nights, Games Nights, Debates and more. Bringing tradition all under one common theme; Unity
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Eastern European
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Category
- Coventry
Enactus Coventry
At Enactus Coventry, we create opportunities and provide resources that helps students run commercial and social enterprise projects locally or internationally to help those less fortunate.
- Category
- Coventry
English Society aims to aims to hold discussions and events around literature, film, and theatre, as well as promoting literary events and areas of study.
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Fashion Society
This is the fashion society, made of students who want to develop and expand knowledge and interest in fashion. If you share the same passion, join us!
- Category
Filipino Society
- Category
- Cultural and International
Film Making Society
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
First Love Coventry Society
- Category
- Faith
Forensic Society
Join the forensics society to explore your passion for forensics with other like-minded people in a social setting.
The society is open to any student from any faculty.
- Category
Game Design & Development Society
- Category
Gaming Society is the place to be if you love games! We play video games, PC games and Tabletop games, so there's something for everyone. A relaxed environment to play and meet new people.
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
3D printing, Prototyping, Electronics.
Isn't that Geeky?
Let's prototype together.
Sessions every week. Mentorships and trip to a hackathon provided.
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Gender Equality Society
The Gender Equality Society is all about keeping the conversation around intersectional feminism and gender equality going. We want to create a safe space for all students and amplify their voices.
- Category
- Dormant
- Special Interest
- Dormant
- Dormant
Encouraging students with a passion for Geography and other subjects to come and get involved in related activities, events, and trips.
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Ghanaian Society
Representing the interests of the diaspora, this society is based around the ideals of unity, collectivism and raising awareness surrounding our culture, our people and our community. Akoma Ntoso!
- Category
- Coventry
- Cultural and International
Gujju Society
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Healthcare Management
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Hindu Society
- Category
- Faith
History Society
Step into the captivating world of history at our University History Society. Whether you're a seasoned history buff or just curious, our society offers a welcoming space for all.
- Category
Hong Kong Healthcare Society
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Human Resource Management Society
To aid students throughout their academic journey by providing a society that brings not only their course content together but helps them to gain a better understanding of the managerial needs.
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
Indian Society
- Category
- Cultural and International
The purpose of this organisation is to extend and create sense of belonging between Indonesian Student in Coventry.
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
International Business Management Society
We intend to develop activities that promote and help the International Business Management (IBM) course and give further opportunities to students after their studies.
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
International Disaster Concern Society
International Disaster Concern is committed to raising awareness of disasters globally and supporting campaigns through fundraising and other activities.
- Category
Investment Society
- Category
Islamic Society
- Category
- Faith
Japanese Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Cultural and International
Kerala Cultural Society
For all the Keralites in Coventry University
- Category
- Cultural and International
Kings Portal Society
- Category
- Faith
- Dormant
- Dormant
KPOP Dance Society
Hi, we're KDSCU! A K-POP Dance Society here at Coventry Uni. From weekly dance classes, performing at national competitions to super fun social nights and more, we do it all! 🎧📓💕
- Category
- Music and Performance
Krishna Consciousness Society
KCSoc is an exciting, dynamic platform that promotes positive transformation enabling you to experience life on a whole new level!
Perfect for those who are curious about the deeper issues in life!
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Kurdish Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Cultural and International
Kuwait Society
Kuwait Society aims to bring together Kuwait students at Coventry University, and to promote cultural heritage and traditions of Kuwait.
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Language Exchange
Language Exchange Society is all about embracing our passion for making new friends from all over the world and bringing like-minded people together to engage in fun activities, games, and socials!
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Law Society
- Excellence
- Gold
- Category
LGBTQIA+ Society
- Category
- Special Interest
Malaysian-Singaporean Society
The Malaysian-Singaporean Society targets Malaysian and Singaporean students at Coventry University to ensure they can get the best international experience during their study.
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Manufacturing Society
- Category
Without you, there is no cure. We aim to recruit individuals to the stem cell register on behalf of Anthony Nolan, to give blood cancer patients and others in need a second chance at life.
- Category
- Coventry
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
The Maths society is open to all students in the university. Whether you're in need of some extra help or just want to have fun, we are the society for you!
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Mechanical Engineering
In the Mechanical Engineering Society, our goal is to encourage networking and have fun whilst doing so!
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Media & Marketing
- Category
- Coventry
MENA Society
A Hub of cultural appreciation, unity, and empowerment. We host a rich tapestry of events to celebrate the diverse heritage within the Middle Eastern, North African region.
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
Model UN Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Musical Theatre Society
- Category
- Music and Performance
Nepalese Society
- Category
- Cultural and International
Nigerian Society
- Category
- Cultural and International
North African Society
The North African Society is here to bring together North African students and share culture and traditions with others.
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Nursing Society
The Nursing Society aims to provide academic support, support sessions and clinical skills sessions for all students from all cohorts !
Check out our Instagram page for upcoming events !
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Nutrition, Food & Health Society
We are super excited for this upcoming year, with loads to offer you. We are a fun and innovative society who pride ourselves on our welcoming and friendly nature and our non-exclusivity to any course
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
Pakistani Society
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Category
- Cultural and International
Paramedic Society
Coventry University Paramedic Society (CUParaSoc)
- Category
Pentecostal Society
PENSA is a student led Christian campus ministry. It is run by the student for the students aiming to raise world changers with a Christ factor!!
- Category
- Faith
Performance Technology Society
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
We wish to create an environment welcoming all new students to our University by creating the MedPharm family. Offering you guidance as well as an environment where you can relax and have fun!
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
Philosophy Society
A society to share similar, or dissimilar, ideas with a vast amount of fellow members, but also give us a platform in which we can discuss important topics that may not be discussed anywhere else
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
Photo Club Society
Aimed at up-skilling young people in all forms of media including photography and videography. If you want to learn how to increase your craft, monetise your skill and join a team. This is the place.
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Coventry
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Pole Fitness Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Special Interest
Polish Society
We aim to bring all students together – whether Polish, international or home, through a range of various events and activities during the academic year.
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Politics Society
- Category
Portuguese Society
The Portuguese society is here to bring together the Portuguese community and spread our beautiful traditions by providing a lot of diversity in our events and let everyone explore their passions.
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Project Management Society
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
Proton Church Society
Join us to meet like minded people!
- Category
- Dormant
- Faith
- Dormant
- Dormant
Psychology Society
- Category
Punjabi Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Cultural and International
Renaissance Society
Renaissance means 'Rebirth', and that is exactly what we are. We proudly celebrate creativity and artistry, fostering a community dedicated to learning and sharing skills. Join the guild!
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Rock Music Society
- Category
- Music and Performance
- Excellence
- Bronze
Sikh Society
The Coventry University Sikh Society aims to educate, engage and provide a wholesome university experience for students of any race, gender and religion.
- Category
- Faith
Social Work Society
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
Somali Society
We intend to unite and provide a platform for all the Somali students at Coventry and to celebrate our culture and to socialise and create long lasting memories with like minded others.
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
South Asian Society
- Category
- Cultural and International
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Speakers Society
Enhance your public speaking and communication skills through interactive and fun activities in an empowering environment with uplifting and encouraging people.
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Sport and Event Management Society
- Category
- Coventry
Sport Exercise Therapy Sciences Society
A community for BSc Sport and Exercise Science, Sports and Exercise Therapy, MSc Sport and Exercise Nutrition, Strength and Conditioning, MRes or PhD students, or for those with an interest!
- Category
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Dormant
Sri Lankan Society
The Sri Lankan Society wants to bring together people of Sri Lankan descent and non-Sri Lankan descent where we can all get together at Coventry University, become friends, network and have fun!
- Category
- Coventry
- Cultural and International
Start Up Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Special Interest
Sustainability Society
Join Sustainability Society's dynamic journey! Reshape the world in eco-socials, where vibrant connections spark enlightenment through talks and discussions. Let's shape a brighter future together!
- Category
- Coventry
- Dormant
- Special Interest
- Dormant
- Dormant
Tabletop Society
- Category
- Special Interest
Tamil Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Cultural and International
Telugu Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Cultural and International
The Lioness Society
- Category
- Coventry
- Dormant
- Special Interest
- Dormant
- Dormant
Theatre Society
We are creating a friendly environment with like-minded people and having quality time together. We will allow people to express their enthusiasm and various talents for theatre.
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
WhatNext? Coventry
Meet the society, that's going to change society.
Passionate about empowering, enlightening and inspiring BAME school pupils!
- Dormant
- Dormant
- Category
- Dormant
Windband Society
- Category
- Music and Performance
- Excellence
- Silver
Winners Campus Fellowship
- Category
- Faith
Women in STEM Society
Diversity. Inclusion. Engineering and STEM.
Here to inspire, educate and motivate our current students whilst paving a way for the future generations.
- Category