Home Students Engagement Focus Group

Your Voice: Coventry

Home students: Your voice matters! Share interests, engage with Your Students' Union

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18th October 2pm - 6pm
EC1-29, Engineering and Computing Building, Coventry University, Gulson Road, Coventry, CV1 2JH
Explore the perks of your role, connect with fellow reps, engage with department leaders, share your ideas, and begin making an impact.



Tuesday 04 June 2024


1pm - 2pm


About the event

We are hosting a focus group at the start of June to discuss what Home students want to see from Your Students' Union and how you want to engage with us.

If you are Home student and are free on Tuesday 4th June from 1pm to 2pm, then please complete this form to register: https://forms.office.com/e/a8rqM9qBpf

Confirmed attendees will be eligible to receive a £10 Love2Shop voucher.

Upon attending the focus group, you will be assigned a Digital Badge If you have any questions, please email reps.su@coventry.ac.uk

  • Badge
  • Coventry University (Coventry campus)

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