Event List

Students with Responsibilities Events

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Forthcoming Events

Tue 28th January

Model United Nations Conference
4pm - 6pm
George Elliot Building (GEG32)
This Model UN event invites students to engage in a simulated UN debate on 'Climate Change Mitigation: Accelerating the Transition to Renewable Energy. Find out more below.

Tue 4th February

Stylised Coventry Skyline Housing Fair
10am - 3pm
The Hub
Starting to think about where you’re going to be living next year whilst at University? With the cost of living, it’s more important than ever to make an informed decision and look at all the housing options available. Want more information?

Fri 7th February

Community Officer's Public Speaking Competition 1.0
11am - 1pm
Square One, The Hub, Coventry University
This Competition is organised by Your SU's Community Officer to find the best public speakers in Coventry University. Find more information below.

Wed 12th February

An image of an Advice Caseworker in front of an Advice Service banner Coventry University London Online Results Release Drop-In
2pm - 4pm
Online (Teams)
Drop in to have a chat with Your Advice Service if you're either unhappy about the results you have received or unsure about what they mean.
Amnesty International UK: Social Change Workshop
3pm - 5pm
Creating a Better World: A Workshop with Amnesty International UK

Mon 17th February

An image of an Advice Caseworker in front of an Advice Service banner Coventry University London - Results Release Drop-In
2pm - 4pm
Student Lounge, CULC
Drop in to have a chat with Your Advice Service if you're either unhappy about the results you have received or unsure about what they mean.

Mon 24th February

An image of an Advice Caseworker in front of an Advice Service banner Coventry University London - Results Release Drop-In
2pm - 4pm
Student Lounge, CULC
Drop in to have a chat with Your Advice Service if you're either unhappy about the results you have received or unsure about what they mean.
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