- Coventry Pride, Instagram: @pridecov
- Gender Expression Fund
- Coventry Transgender Social Club: A social club for transgender individuals who meet in Coventry City Centre @coventrytransgenderclub
- Cov Queer Writers: A writing group ran by local author Wren James, usually meets at St. Mary’s Guildhall on one Sunday every month. Instagram: @covqueerwriters
- Out in the UK: Support group for refugees and asylum seekers in Coventry, contact Jon on 07974 477206. Instagram: @outincov
- Survivor Sanctuary+: A survivor-led peer support group for LGBTQIA+ individuals who may have experienced any type of violence or adversity in Coventry. @survivor_sanctuary_cov_plus
- Queer Book Club Coventry: Queer people reading queer books who meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month in Coventry City Centre. @queerbookclubcov
- Queer Perspectives: A group that facilitates the queer and LGBTQIA+ community to discover and grow beyond the binary. @queer_perspectives
- Yard Veterans (coffee morning): The Yard Veterans is a local queer social group, they meet for coffee every Saturday at a local café. Instagram: @yardveterans
- Gender Expression Fund
- ELOP – East London’s LGBTQ Centre: A charity offering events, advice and support services. 0207064 6500; admin@LGBTQconsortium.org.uk
- London LGBTQ+ Community Centre: 60-62 Hopton Street, opened during lockdown the centre hosts a wide range of events, workshops, café’s and provides a comfortable space to simply just be.
- North West London Lesbian and Gay Group A social activity group established in 1971 who welcome all members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community
- London Friend is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans charity which supports the health and mental well-being of the LGBTQ community in and around London. They offer counselling and support around issues such as same-sex relationships, sexual and gender identity.
- Rainbow Grow Gardening Club Are you a member of the LGBTQI+ community and interested in growing edible plants, while making new friends and working outdoors? Come along to Rainbow Grow, the community gardening group where diversity thrives.
- The Bisexual Index A collaborative network of activists and other UK bisexuals, working together for a change in the way people view bisexuality and bisexuals.
- The Gender Trust Aims to inform the wider public of issues surrounding gender identity and transsexualism. It is also a resource for gender dysphoric people and their families, medical and other professionals who provide their care.
Do you have any other recommended charities and organisations to share? Email community.su@coventry.ac.uk with the details.