Coventry University London (Liverpool St) Awards

Tuesday 1 April

Tuesday 1 April

Course of the Year will be awarded to an academic course team who have championed student voice on their course and ensured student experience is at the forefront of everything they do. Students on the winning course will feel their contributions are valued and have collaborated with staff to improve delivery of the course.

  • BA International Fashion Management and Marketing
  • MBA Global Healthcare Management and Leadership
  • MSc Management

These awards recognise three academic staff members who have made a huge contribution to improving students’ experience inside and outside the classroom. They are motivating and inspiring teachers with passion for their subjects. They have actively participated in the SU's student voice activities to resolve feedback promptly and improve student experience.

  • Arman Farakish
  • Junaid Khan
  • Roopa Nagori

This award recognises a staff member who makes a huge contribution to students’ experience while not delivering the core curriculum in the classroom. This could include staff from the library, student support, IT, helpdesk, Talent Team, catering outlets, or the Students' Union.

  • Danny Mirza
  • Richard Moon
  • Rodrigo Teixeria

These awards recognise reps who have shown outstanding commitment to student voice, by bringing particularly detailed and precise feedback to meetings, and working outside of meetings to represent key feedback that matters to everyone in their cohort.

  • Kasthuri Raja Mohanasundaram
  • Maysa Ikbal
  • Vekithkumar Senthilkumar

This award recognises an undergraduate student who has shown outstanding dedication to their course. They will have been committed to their academic studies and to the wider Coventry University London community. 

  • Fathima Samrin Njattuvetty Sageer
  • Ishwinder Pal Singh
  • Theint Nay Chi Win

This award recognises a postgraduate student who has shown outstanding dedication to their course. They will have been committed to their academic studies and to the wider Coventry University London community. 

  • Mohammed Shaharshan Valiyapeediyakkal
  • Pichayut Hantanasarn
  • Saamat Riyan

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