What is proof reading?
Proof reading is highlighting errors, like spelling mistakes in a document. Proof-readers don’t make corrections or edit the work. There’s no obligation to use a proof-reader.
5 things to know when hiring a proof-reader:
- The responsibility for the work is your own and you should ALWAYS keep a copy of your work before proof-reading.
- A proof-reader cannot add new material or rewrite anything as this is not proof-reading and will be classed as academic misconduct as you are paying someone to do your work.
- Coventry University keeps a list of recommended proof-readers which you can find here.
- Only approved proof-readers can be used without prior permission from a module leader, course director or supervisor.
- You cannot use a proof-reader for certain modules, like Academic English modules. This information should be included in the module description.
Other support:
If you need support but don’t want to hire a proof-reader, help is available from the Centre of Academic Writing, course team, Academic Librarian or other University Support Services.
You can find more information and guidance about proofreading from the University here.