Christian Union Society

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EQUIP: February

28 Days, 8 Events, Weekly Meetings, Socials and a Fundraiser. Read more to follow what the Christian Union has been doing for the month of February and upcoming plans ahead

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Lunch Bar Event at TheHub


During the month of February, the Christian Union hosted their annual Events Week, with the theme this year being "PAUSE" to remind us to take time to think about the big issues surrounding us and how to deal with some of the important questions we may be facing at university

Events Week

Monday - Taskmaster Event

We started our week with a British TV classic of Taskmaster, which involves teams performing different challenges and tasks with the objective of receiving the most points after 5 rounds with the winning team receiving a prize. There was an interval between the rounds for our guest speaker for the week Mark Pickett sharing on the topic of IDENTITY: Can I Know Who I Really Am? and shared on what the Bible says from Mark 1v1-20

Tuesday - International Arts & Crafts + Dial-A-Doughnut

We started the day off with our Dial-A-Doughnut Event, which encouraged students on campus to ask a question about christianity and someone from the Christian Union will answer it and provide a free doughnut to them in TheHub. The event saw over 25 doughnuts being handed out to students 

Following the success of our 1st event and the Dial-A-Doughnut Event earlier on, the Christian Union worked alongside Friend's International to host our 2nd event of the week. Over 30 students came along to the International Arts and Crafts with crafts such as Chinese Calligraphy, Danish Paper Crafts and many others on display throughout the night. Later on in the evening Mark continued on the theme of PAUSE and looked deeper into the topic of SUFFERING: Is There Any Meaning To My Pain? We continued to follow more into the Gospel of Mark by looking at Mark 2v1-12

Wednesday - Lunch Bar

By far the most popular event of the week, our Lunch Bar saw well over 60 students come along for free food at The Courtyard area of TheHub. Pizza, sandwiches and snacks were provided to all those in attendance with Christian Union member Chris Wong sharing more about his life growing up as a Christian in Hong Kong. Following Chris' testimony, our 2nd guest speaker of the week Adam Thomas shared about LONELINESS: Where Do I Belong? - Mark 2v13-17 and his own personal experience of dealing with clinical depression and how God brought him out of the darkness and into the light

Thursday - Acoustic Night

From free food to free entertainment, our Acoustic Night was held at Baxter's Barista where multiple talented groups and individuals came to the front to sing and perform during the evening with hot drinks available for all in attendance. Adam continued on our PAUSE series by looking more into JUSTICE: Where Is God In An Unjust World? and discussing more on the Bible passage of Mark 15v21-39

Friday - Karaoke Night

We finished the week off in style with our Karaoke Night with many students coming along for a fantastic night of entertainment and a variety of different performances displayed; from pop classics to opera, from musicals to Bollywood hits. It also seen other societies (Musical Theatre Society) come along to share the experience and collaborate in coming together to have a fun night. We finished the week looking into our final topic of HOPE: Is There More To Life Than This? by reading more into the Gospel of Mark 15v40,16v1-8

Overall our annual Events Week saw over 100 different students come along to the variety of events held throughout the week and many students sharing about their positive experience of the events they attended.

A huge thank you to all those who attended and special thank you to all those who helped throughout the week 


Our weekly EQUIP meetings also had some speical events happening throughout February


On the 16th February, we had our UNCOVER Night where free copies of UNCOVER Mark where provided to all those in attendance with the purpose to help support those students wanting to know more about the Bible though looking at the Gospel of Mark which shares more about the life of Jesus

Grill-A-Christian Event

We had our annual Grill-A-Christian Event occur on the 23rd February where it invited people to come along to ask those burning questions they had about christianity to our panel of guests

Give us a follow at @covcu to ask us questions you have about Christianity and keep updated on our plans for the year ahead



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