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Campus Officer Update - Block 5

Find out what Your Campus Officer Michael has been up to during Block 5!

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Michael wears a Your SU hoody and is smiling at the camera outside CU Scarborough.

Hi everyone! As we now approach the summer and some lovely summer weather, this is a good time to reflect on those who have completed their studies at the end of Block 4. Congratulations to you all that have now finished your degree and good luck with your future plans!

Understandably, Block 5 is a much quieter time around campus with smaller student numbers, however Your SU is still continuing to work to support you all. Therefore, as your Campus Officer I have still been active in working on various projects to enhance your time at university.

At the start of Block 5, Your SU ran a Tea Break activity to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all students regardless of the stage of your studies. We had a hot drink offering, as well as the wonderful Spin the Wheel which caused excitement amongst students and staff alike. We were supported by your Student Success Coach, the Talent Team and the Welfare Team to provide a one-stop-shop for all the support services that you may need during your time here. We are running a similar event again on Tuesday 25 June so feel free come join us!

As always, student feedback is a major part of our work at Your SU and with fewer students on campus, postcards were used to allow you all to voice any areas that need improvement to enhance your experience, as well as positive views as well. We worked alongside teaching staff and course leaders to ensure we reached out to as many students as possible. According to the SU's data, we received a postcard back from at least 50% of CU Group students studying at CU Scarborough during Block 5, which we will aim to continuously improve in the future to ensure more students have their voice heard. If you have feedback you'd like to share with us, you can do so by coming along to an Ideas Drop-In - check out the Events page to find out when the next one is!

As a student who has just completed their degree and a key advocate for the student voice, I wanted to ensure my voice was heard, so I participated in a focus group for the University's Access and Participation Plan (APP). The APP will be used by the University to deliver improvements for students from underrepresented backgrounds and is key documentation that outlines the University’s future vision, after taking on board the views of students. I would encourage you all to participate in any similar focus groups in the future, should the opportunity occur.

One piece of work that has been a significant focus for me over this block has been a Course Rep Survey which aimed to gather key data from our current student Reps to help improve the Rep system in the future. As an Officer and a representative for all Scarborough students, I wanted to ensure that the experience of Reps was taken on board and so that the system can be continuously improved for the best Rep experience. Once Reps had responded, a full report was created and presented to and discussed with Your SU staff. These findings will also be shared with the relevant university staff were needed, to improve your university experience. The responses were generally really positive, and have given the SU some useful ideas and actions to work on over the summer. If you want further information on this, feel free to reach out to me on and if you are interested in becoming a Rep, click here for more info.

I look forward to seeing what Block 6 now brings and I hope for you all have a great summer.



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