Sport Awards - Coventry

Celebrating student athletes, sports clubs, committees and coaches on Wednesday 26 March.

Celebrating student athletes, sports clubs, committees and coaches on Wednesday 26 March.

Awarded to a coach, leader, individual, or group who have led, organised and contributed to their sports club and helped improve the work of the club both on and off the field of play.

  • Ashley Hammond and Junior Mahama
  • Autumn-Georgia Moore
  • Badminton Committee
  • Brody Houston
  • Finley Ahmad-Hambling
  • Joseph Leach

Awarded to a club that has had great participation in competition and recreational sport, promoted the 'belonging' aspect of their membership, introduced new members to the sport, and remain financially sound.

  • Badminton
  • Gaelic Football
  • Jiu Jitsu
  • Karting
  • Men’s Football
  • Mountaineering

Awarded to a team that has succeeded in their competition throughout the year and displayed continuous commitment and dedication to developing as a team.

  • Dance
  • Gaelic Football: Women's
  • Jiu Jitsu
  • Karting: A Team
  • Powerlifting

Awarded to a team that has succeeded in their league throughout the season and displayed continuous commitment and dedication to developing as a team. 

  • Badminton: Women’s
  • Football: Men’s 1s
  • Karting: A Team
  • Karting: B Team
  • Volleyball: Men’s 1s

Awarded to a club that have improved greatly this year. This may include performance, membership, and/or general increased/improved club activity to the satisfaction and enjoyment of its members.

  • Badminton
  • Gaelic Football
  • Powerlifting
  • Swimming
  • Women’s Football

This performance award will be given to an individual who has excelled in their field of sport either on or off the field of play.

  • Jakob Eilerts de Haan, DMT
  • Lucy Bradbury, Powerlifting
  • Makayla Joseph, Athletics
  • Tony Ngai, Archery

This performance award will be given to an individual who has been key in their team excelling in their field of sport on and off the field of play.

  • Ashmita Bhattacharjee, Badminton: Women’s
  • Finlay Osborn, Football: Men’s 1s
  • Karen McLoughlin, Gaelic Football: Women’s
  • Keith Choi, Volleyball: Men’s 1s
  • Zewe Sinkala, Basketball: Men’s 1s

Awarded to a student or group of students who has used online platform(s) (videography, photography, social media, radio, livestreams, etc.) to promote sporting related activity and events at Coventry University and dedicated their time towards positively impacting students’ lives.

  • Chris Simpson
  • David Ajoh
  • Jonathon Yau
  • Robin Paier, Matt Haldane and Harrison Pearce
  • Sadie Hyland

Awarded to a club who has used online platform(s) (social media, website) and dedicated their time towards positively developing Sport Coventry's online presence and brand recognition through the promotion of their club's sporting activity and events.

  • Badminton
  • Boxing
  • Dance
  • Gaelic Football
  • Mountaineering
  • Women’s Football

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